Las Batallas en el Desierto

Voy a guardar intacto el recuerdo de este instante porque todo lo que existe ahora mismo nunca volverá a ser igual.

I am going to keep my memory of this moment intact because everything that now exists will never be the same again.

This book was a required read for me when I was in high school and I’ve just read it again. It was good to remember those old days and reconnect with the main character of this story, a young Mexican boy who is dealing with an impossible love and the absurdity of the ruled by adults world that surrounds him.

And, here’s a great song based on this book from one of my favorite bands.


Astrophysics for People in a Hurry

We are stardust brought to life, then empowered by the universe to figure itself out – and we have only just begun.

I’ve been always deeply fascinated with everything that extends beyond our beloved earth out to the universe.

I must say that I had to re read several parts of this book, I forced my little mind in order to grasp some of the magnificent concepts that are presented in this book. It is an introductory book into astrophysics and yet all the chapters are so mind blowing, it’s really hard for your mind to even take a tiny look into the grandiosity of the universe.

I read this review in Goodreads before I bought this book, I found it really funny and I’m agree with it:

Imagine you are standing with your face up and your mouth wide open underneath a waterfall of Skittles.At first, a few Skittles get into your mouth and you can taste them. Awesome, you think. I love Skittles. Then, the Skittles become overwhelming, as more and more try to force themselves in, and millions and millions puddle around your feet, piling up past your knees.


If I were not a software Engineer I would have loved to be an astrophysicist, what I’m left is to continue to be amazed by books like this that present us the immensity of the universe and the tininess of us.

Matchmaking for Beginners: A Novel

Whatever happens, love that.

I’d never read a love story until now. I came across this book and thought: Why not? It has good reviews and I’m open to new experiences. 🙂

Honestly, I liked it a lot, it’s an enjoyable book, about the magic that surround us, not the Harry Potter kind of magic, instead the ordinary magic that we experience every day and that often goes unnoticed by many of us. This book focuses especially about the magic of love.

Call me a romantic but I do believe in love just as this book puts it:

It’s everything, love is. It runs the whole universe.

This book made me smile, laugh, surprised me and almost made me cry.

Beneath a Scarlet Sky: A Novel

But after everything, and even when the skies turn scarlet and threatening, I still believe that if we are lucky enough to be alive, we must give thanks for the miracle of every moment of every day, no matter how flawed.

It amazes me to realize that this story, as many others that remain untold, actually happened, that they’re part of our own history and are not just good fiction stories to entertain ourselves.

I believe in stories of real heroes like Pino’s one, they remind me that we live our own hero stories every day, situations where our courage is tested and we are given the choice to do right. Let’s all be heroes.

The Better Angels of our Nature

As one becomes aware of the decline of violence, the world begins to look different. The past seems less innocent; the present less sinister.

All the research and data concentrated in this book makes me optimistic about our evolution as humans and the direction we’re heading. Let’s keep it this way.

Faith in humanity restored.